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This log boat named the Annaghkeen Boat is one of twelve identified by Trevor Northage, while mapping Lough Corrib to update the British Admiralty charts published in 1846. The log boat is 12m long and has been carbon-dated to the Late Neolithic/Early Bronze Age. It was laboriously sculpted by hand, with primitive tools, from a single massive oak tree 4,500 years ago. Lough Corrib is the second largest lake in Ireland. It covers an area of 64 sq. miles. The geography of the lake 4,500 years ago was different to what it is today. A dense forest covered the land to the shoreline. The inhabitants lived a communal existence. Extended families lived in clusters along the shore. There was an abundance of fish, fowl and wild animals freely available. The absence of territorial boundaries made war unnecessary. The log boat was the only means of communication and transportation. They played a key role in foraging, communal fishing, and hunting. Little is known about the people who inhabited the Lakeshore during this period. The results of the survey indicate that there are many more log boats and archaeological artifacts yet to be discovered at the bottom of Lough Corrib.

Lough Corrib chart book

The Lough Corrib Chart Book, by marine surveyor Trevor Northage, is an excellent and long overdue publication. It contains reliable navigation instructions for the growing number of people who use the Lake for leisure activities. It is a must for anglers, leisure crafts, surveyors, historians, and Archaeologists. The charts, bound in durable hardcover, are easy to read and understand. The chart symbols are coloured, clear, and easy to follow. They contain no navigation jargon or complex calculations required for safe passage. This book deserves more than being stored in a waterproof folder in the chart locker. It has a place on the coffee table!

 Charts are available directly from the author  at:


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